Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's bacon day....

Easily the most excited I've been about my meat in a long time. Yesterday we had some friends over and the timing was right, I was smoking a pulled pork and had the apple wood and hickory at hand, perfect time to smoke my bacon!!!



Well looky there, it a bacon!



And done!

I little salty, and I'm not getting much from the maple syrup I used, but this is attempt #1 and I know I'll be trying again!


T said...

Thank goodness for Todd's experiments. The bacon was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!! Really, really tasty. The fat just melted in my mouth. Can't wait for the next round.

Anonymous said...

I just love that you said "Easily the most excited I've been about my meat in a long time."

Wish I could have tasted it!!