Thursday, March 27, 2008

Look at my garden grow!

Wow! Just three weeks from the last pic/post, and I wish I had taken daily pictures! Just wow has this thing grown. We've picked basil more than once, dill and the cilantro is like a tree cause we made guacamole TWICE! It's already extended as tall as it will get, and I'm absolutely unsure of what to do with the mint. Tea anyone?


Anonymous said...

That's so cool. So you'd recommend it? How much counter space does it take?

T said...

Highly recommend it! There is nothing like fresh basil for a cheese pizza in the middle of winter. It's really not that big. It would do well on top of a dryer and only take up less than half of it. The thing you have to know is this thing is BRIGHT!!! Make sure you can't see the room from wherever you sleep.